

1. Prices
The prices stated are net prices and always intended EXW METH factory (the Seller), according to what is stated in our offer. 

2. Delivery
Delivery is always intended EXW the Seller factory or what is stated in the offer. Unless otherwise specified by the Buyer, goods will be shipped through a shipper chosen by the Seller. Unless otherwise specified in the offer, any delivery expense such as insurance, transportation and any other charge relative to the shipment are for the Buyer’s account. The goods are shipped at Buyer’s risk, even if delivery may have been agreed to be free Buyer’s destination. Seller will not be held responsible for any shortage or damages caused by loading and unloading and/or transport of the goods, either by Buyer’s own transport means of by others means of Buyer’s choice.

3. Order confirmation acceptance:
Nothing receiving within 3 working days after order confirmation sending by Meth srl, the entire order would be considered confirmed from the customer. 

4. Packaging
The packaging of our products is not included and will be invoiced at cost. It is planned that the actual packaging material be disposed of by the Buyer; therefore no returns of such material will be accepted.

5. Delivery terms
Delivery terms whether stated or agreed upon are purely indicative. They reflect normal productive conditions and are subjected to further changes during production phases. Due to the a/m variable production situation, except for the payment of any liquidated damages, if these have been mutually agreed and expressly specified in the order confirmation, the Seller shall have no liability whatsoever to the Buyer (whether by way of indemnity or otherwise) for any loss of profit, damage or legal responsibility arising from the Seller’s delay.
Delivery time period is to commence as from the date of receipt of order confirmation stamped and signed for acceptance by the Buyer. Should there be a deposit to be paid with the order, the delivery terms would then be suspended until such payment is received by the Seller. Any delay in delivering the goods, for whatever cases, does not give rise to the right of a legal claim for damages. The Buyer is required to collect his goods within 7 – 10 days from having been informed that the goods are ready for collection. In case of default, the Seller reserves the right to invoice the goods, to stock the goods, and to charge the storage expenses to the Buyer. Furthermore the Guarantee period shall commence from the date of the invoice. 

6. Validity of supply
Apart from any agreement to the contrary, the supply shall be valid to all intents and purposes only when the Buyer has returned the order confirmation issued by the Seller duly stamped and signed. 

7. Payments
the Buyer may not for any reason whatsoever postpone payments beyond the agreed due date. Interests may be charged on late payments. 

8. Guarantee
The Seller guarantees the good quality and construction of its products. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, the Guarantee period shall be of 24 months from the date of invoice. Gurantee shall be valid on condition that the defect was not caused by wear and tear, or due to negligence on the part of the user, or due to interference by non authorised personnel, or by personnel not conversant with company product or due by fortuity or force majeure.
During the period of Guarantee Seller will therefore repair or replace free of charge at its own discretion, those parts which the Seller deems necessary. The repairs or replacement will be carried out at the Seller’s premises. The cost of transport, duties or taxes to and from the Seller’s premises shall be borne by the Buyer.
Delay in the agreed payments will result in suspending or cancelling the guarantee, until the overdue is recovered.

9. Right of ownership 
Property right. The goods will remain the property of the Seller and ownership shall not revert to the Buyer until such a time as the goods have been fully paid for. The Seller shall have the right to claim for the return of the goods if these have not been paid for and even in cause of Buyer’s insolvency. 

10. Errors and defects
In case of manufacture defects or errors notified to the Seller within 8 days from the date of delivery, the Seller will substitute the faulty part or the complete product with the minimum possible delay. The Seller shall not be obliged to indemnify the Buyer for any direct or indirect damages. Delays in payment by the Buyer will cause all guarantees to expire. 

11. Product use and Maintenance
The installation and use of the product can only be performed by qualified personal in accordance to all guidelines, relevant standards and instructions manual. In case of breach of the foregoing or inappropriate operations, will not be recognized any guarantee for product and any liability for any damage or consequences arising. 

12. Orders
The awarding of an order, given in any form whatsoever, is tantamount to a complete acceptance of the selling conditions as stated herein. 

13. Product changes
The company may at any time and in its own discretion and without giving any notice to anybody, effect changes and/or modifications which in its own opinion may be necessary to improve its own products. The descriptions, illustrations and technical data shown in the Seller’s catalogues, brochures etc., are not binding. 

14. Law and disputes
This contract shall be construed as an Italian contract governed by the laws of Italy. All disputes arising in connection with it shall be settled at the Court of The Vicenza, Italy.

15. General clauses
The invalidity in whole or in part of any part of these General Conditions of Sale shall not affect the validity of the remainder of these General Conditions of Sale. Sale by Seller of any products and/or services is expressly conditioned on the Buyer’s assent to these General Conditions of Sale. Any additional or different terms proposed by Buyer are expressly objected to and will not be binding upon Seller unless specifically assented to in writing by Seller’s authorized representative. Any order for products and/or services, or any statement of intent to purchase products and/or services, or any direction to perform work followed by Seller’s performance of work shall constitute assent to this General Conditions of Sale. 

16. Products end of life cycle and disposal
At its end of life cycle, the product (transformer, metallic box and others accessories) has not to be disposed with municipal waste, but have to be brought by the Buyer to appropriate separate refuse collection center or given to a company in charge for this kind of operation

Buyer .................................................................................................. 

Buyer expressly states to accept all articles in the present General 
Conditions of Sale and more specifically the articles: 4 (delivery terms), 
6 (payments), 7 (guarantee), 8 (right of ownership), 10 (complaints), 13 
(law and disputes), 14 (general clauses).